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Blog page

Paula & Dragos, a black & white story of two people full of color and life  28 may 2016
  • Alina & Claudiu – 26 september 2015

  • If I had been that kind of photographer who met the groom on his wedding day, I would have never guessed that was Claudiu. He was so relaxed and making jokes, you could have sworn he was the best man or a friend, ( you know, that friend who is trying to make people laugh with jokes and pranks). All of this changed when[...]
  • Ramona & Liviu – 10 october

  • At the suggestion of my friends from abroad, I started publishing weddings on the blog. Until now, there was no blog and therefor you coud not see a wedding photographed from the beginning to the end (actually, you could do that,but only if you came to the studio, which , in the case of grooms from other countries w[...]
  • Irina & Razvan -16 may 2015

  • Povestea Irinei si a lui Razvan este o poveste de dragoste in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Erau impreuna de 10 ani, dar se uitau unul la altul de parca s-ar fi indrogostit ieri. Toata nunta a fost foarte faina. Inchipuiti-va ca spre dimineata , cand la unele multi mai bubuie cate o manea , la Irina si Razvan, nasii[...]